Redux Persist with Redux Toolkit

There is a very handy library called redux-persist that allows you to persist the global state of your application’s Redux store in local storage. This is particularly useful when your JavaScript application breaks on page reload, which often happens during development with hot module replacement.

This article explains how to integrate this library into your web application if you are using the Redux Toolkit. Redux Toolkit is an opinionated toolset for Redux development that provides excellent defaults, and it is my preferred way to set up the Redux store.

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Enhancing UI with a Higher-Order Component for Dynamic Opening Hours in React

I wrote a higher-order component in React to make the opening hours of a local shop more fancy. The UI emphasizes the current day with a different background color. To make this happen, the component needs to know which day it is, so I wrapped it with my HOC withToday().

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Insights from My First Global Symfony Conference: Talks, Learnings, and Highlights

During the weekend of December 3rd to 4th, I participated in my first global Symfony Conference. The event was held online, and it featured many fascinating talks on E2E testing, new JavaScript features, and Domain Driven Design. In this article, I will provide an overview of the sessions I attended.

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Showcasing Our Landing Page Designs for Apps, Vouchers, and Subscriptions at Süddeutsche Zeitung

Together with my team at the Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH, I developed landing pages for the company’s digital products. I really enjoyed the collaboration between Design, Marketing, UX, and Development, and it’s worth showcasing some of the outcomes.

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